Webinar: EtherNet-IP Secure Transport - What it means to users and EtherNet-IP device vendors

  • April 24, 2019
  • Real Time Automation, Inc.
  • Webinar

EtherNet/IP Secure Transport – What it means to users and EtherNet/IP device vendors

with Automation.com and Real Time Automation (RTA)

Security is more of a concern to OT (Operational Technology) people now than ever before. The implications of a security breach can be significant including loss of revenue, damage to reputation and in serious incidents, loss of life. Security is now an important topic for executive management at all manufacturing companies. EtherNet/IP, the Ethernet implementation of CIP (the Common Industrial Protocol), was never designed as a secure communications transport. It was designed for ease of use and flexibility. Anyone can make connections to an EtherNet/IP Adapter and execute any operation including a reset of the device. This makes EtherNet/IP a very insecure communications protocol. In light of this, ODVA recently introduced Secure Transport for EtherNet/IP. This standard provides a secure standard for the transportation of EtherNet/IP messages. It allows communication between trusted entities and disallows communication between untrusted entities on the EtherNet/IP network. 

This webinar will discuss what EtherNet/IP Secure Transport is, how it will impact ControlLogix based manufacturing networks and what device developers need to do to enable their EtherNet/IP Adapters to support this important technology.

Webinar: EtherNet-IP Secure Transport - What it means to users and EtherNet-IP device vendors

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